Friday, March 17, 2006

coffee stained paper nakins.

I was sitting here today and wondering... do blind people play rock paper scissors and if so how? One, two, three... shout it out? And if this is how 'they do' they should never play with a seeing person because of the fact that it'd be so easy for the other person to cheat. Watching which word their lips are forming. And then, "HA!! I wiiiin again!"

These are the things we think of when the only thing we have is time. Laugh at me if you will, but this is the very essence of what is keeping me sane out here.

I realized today that in my quest to find out what war is like first hand... I've only succeeded in alienating myself further from it. People e-mail me regualarly telling me they heard about what happened 'today' and they hope I'm safe... and I think, "What? What happened..." Then I google it and end up wishing I hadn't... and maybe it's better not knowing how close danger really is.

Krissana... What can I say? Thanks so much for my good luck charm. :) It has been doing a great job of keeping me safe here in Iraq.

I happened to run across something over here that made me think of you and Iwant to mail it to you asap. Soooo, e-mail me your address. :)

M.I.A - Has anyone seen or heard from these two mother fuckers? Because I sure as hell haven't... Hope you girls are still alive and keeping the LBC the best place to live in SoCal.

Erin! I miss you. and our party talks of art and picture taking... I need your address, because I have something to send you. So if you read this, e-mail it to me. :)

If I were in Cali right now we'd have to go to an open mic and hit up Star Bucks for some hot chocolate. :) Plus I see Aaron Kraten has been having some shows and it'd be cool to meet him with you.

Imagine life without a car... little to no friends and being stuck on base 24/7 and you've just imagined the life of Mr. Easy E. It'd be an extremely nice gesture if one of you who know him were to call him up and maybe take him out one night. Even just dinner in San P would probably be enough to put a smile on his face.

I know it's difficult to understand, but sometimes we forget people we care about. It's the little gestures in life... those moments we go out of our way to make someone smile that are worth the most in the end.


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