Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Do not look directly into the sun.

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A little manipulation and some good timing and Keith looks like God, while the food looks devine.


Tell me little blue bird, sitting in the tree,
You look so very beautiful and just content to be,
You sing so very lovely, it's a mystery to me,
That when I listen to your song, I feel so very free.

So tell me little blue bird, what's it like to soar,
To dance upon the wind, as the waves upon the shore,
To spread your wings and fly, above the ocean's roar,
To watch the baby animals play upon the moor.

For you see my little friend, I never took the chance,
To fly so very free, or on the wind to dance.
I never spread my wings, or dared to take a chance,
For fear that I would fall, if I ever dared to dance.

So tell me little blue bird, what's it like to soar,
To dance upon the wind, as the waves upon the shore,
To spread your wings and fly, above the ocean's roar,
Tell me little bluebird, what's it like to soar.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Fade (Dream sequence 2)

In your room I hear you crying
You say you're fine I know you're lying

to me

I know your dying to be
Somewhere closer to free

I know your past
And that it haunts you
And you're afraid
That noone wants you

These scars you hide so well
I see you trying not to dwell
But old wounds still can swell

When they never healed quite right
Just faded out of sight

And if you turned from inside out
You'd see maybe you're still bleeding
The only proof your heart's still beating


I know this pain is paralysing
These nightmares always reprising
Your past is on replay

Fade to black and then to gray

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Fade (dream sequence 3)

These nightmares, of road flares
Car entangled and I'm fading
but I won't die.

I wanna fly.
No more falling
I'm always short of shy.

I can't hit the mark,
it's half past dusk and getting dark.
No spark inside is flaring
No part inside is daring

I'm not living I'm not dying
And I'm not laughing
Yet I'm not crying

But I am running
And I am falling
Outside's a mess
And inside I'm bawling

I hate to see them
But I can't stop staring
I hate what she did
But I can't stop caring

A shooting star is falling near
Falling dead
Inside this head from fear

It's still burning
It's still churning
It wants to die,
but it's still learning...

Cut it in half just like my heart
In your hands I fall apart
Keep what you want
and throw what's left away
Fuck the bullshit

I KNEW you wouldn't stay...

Fade to black and then to grey

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

In Your Darkness

All these months I chose to live in darkness
Pulling these blinds to block the daylight
Thinking all the while who needs daylight over you

I gave myself so willingly and all I gave you took it in
Until the day I fell in step and sank right in your shadow
Living in this dark room ceasing to exist at all

And now that it's over all these memories mean nothing
The shadow of your dark smile in which I'd lost myself again
And all the butterflies you ever gave to me

Are over powered by the love you never showed
By the lie you told yourself that cold September day
You may have been the one who turned around...

But it was me who walked away

Monday, May 02, 2005

Darkness Chills

Empty casket, no dead men sleep.
Wake and wander, living deep,
In thought, in self, inside, and out.

Walking streets the dead men roam,
Outside from in their timber home.
Cuts are deep upon their veins.
Knife weilding nomads display their pains.

And we are all alone in thought
Without the home our heart has sought.

Words so vacant, vivid, veil...
Storm clouds gather, watch it hail,
I don't want you, need you, care
With eyes so cold a piercing stare,

A year gone by and for some, more,
Wasting life betroved a whore,
Cheating, lying, cold as stone,
Two faces surface darkness shown.

So, lay me down here now to sleep,
With dead and dying men I creep,
Losing love, give up on life,
Lacking self and gaining strife,

Death he stops here hand in knife,
As she stole my love, he steals my life.

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Sinking in solitude a lifetime away
With demons and devils she chose there to stay
Trapped from within a hell she's created
A world full of troubles on her shoulders is weighted

A heart that's abandoned every love that it's known
Leaving her children both lost and alone
And maybe it's better they grew up without her
Now living in peace not knowing about her